Saturday, April 15, 2017

7.6 AT867 7mile hike Drifter II

We tented out last night near a mountain stream. We got up at 4am to hike to Waynesburro Virginia. When we got off the trail their was a sign of AT driver volunteers phone numbers ( a list of over 25 names). So Dan called "Yellow Truck" At 7:30am YT showed up to pick us up. He was a former town console man and had a day job working at the tourist info booth. He said he had given over 600 free rides last year.
He showed us all over town before he dropped us of at Weesies for breakfast.

Then we went to the Y to shower and then to the library so Dan could get more Medical School paper work done. Then to krogers then to the laundry Matt. Then..

Drifter II story

Well in a recent blog I talked about a classification of drifters on The AT. .,

Story starts when Dan and I get out of the dollar store. We open up our packs. Go through our bags of groceries and are removing The packaging we don't need and start sorting out what goes in Dans food dry sack and what goes in mine.

While we're doing this a compact car with two young Hispanic women and a 6 year old girl slow down and stop in the road. The driver asks us where we are going. Dan said Maine. The lady in the passenger seat hops out of the car and is coming to me with a LOT of cash in her hand. We both said in unison that thank so much your so kind but we don't need the money.
I suspect she thought we were Drifters in need of cash to get to Maine. We never did get to explain to her that we were hiking the AT.

And "Yellow Truck" came to pick us up and drop us off back to the AT.

We are now a few miles into the Shenandoah mountains in our tent for the night.

Waynesburro Virginia is another great hospitality town. The people are wonderful.

Story 2

So Dan was asking me if I bought enough food for me all week. I think he expected me to run out. Well with some help of trail magic I didn't run out and even managed to have 1 extra tortilla and tuna fish packet than he had and I let him know.

So tonight he asks me for my bear bag...I ask him how many bear bags can you put in the tree? He says yours and mine. I said we'll can you put that extra blue bear bag with the food I couldn't fit in my bag? He says.. How much you got? I think..We'll maybe a couple of those rice packs you got me for dinner. Then we go look at my extra food... He says you got six pounds of extra food. Yep I do.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:I-64 W,Waynesboro,United States

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