Thursday, June 1, 2017

14.4.94 AT1816 8m

The Notch Hostel

Last night a 62year old AT Thru hiker named Story Teller told the story of the riot he set off in 1968. There were two groups of kids in his Hawaii Honolulu high school..the glue sniffers and the pot smokers. He was in neither but word got back to the head glue sniffer that he had dissed one of his mates. The head glue sniffer told him he was to meet behind the School after the bell rang so he could get his beating.

So Story Teller being a lowly freshman was looking down in the dumps that day and the head pot smoker noticed and asked him what was wrong. Story Teller told him why and they both parted. When the bell rang Story Teller went behind the high school to get his beating in front of 100 glue sniffers when lo and behold the pot smokers come around the corner and the riot breaks out. Story Teller says he was crawling through all the legs when he found an opening to his empty bus. As the bus drove off he watched the riot and the police come to break it up. The story made the paper the next day and it did single him out as the cause of the riot of '68.

We climbed a 4200 mountain today and after 5hours and 8miles later made it to The Flume Visitor center where we spent 5 quarters and 45 minutes figuring out how to use a pay phone and called The Notch Hostel where they came and picked us up and took us to the Price Chopper for a 4 day resupply. The hostel ranks with the top three that we've stayed at.

Because of the hard resupply places are few and far between our next four days will cover a lot of demanding ground.

I'm up to 40 falls. Had three today. All three landed on my butt. We rocks roots and mud. Was a great hike. Feels good to be challenged by the mountains again!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Lost River Rd,Woodstock,United States

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